Our Services

Funnel Your Lead

VideoAsk turns videos into interactive lead generation tools. With S5L Productions, we create engaging content embedding calls-to-action to guide viewers through the sales funnel. Our approach maximizes engagement, optimizes conversion rates, and achieves marketing objectives efficiently.

Strategic Marketing Videos

We’ll help you choose the right video type to meet your business needs. By offering free content through our videos, we can attract the 60% of the population who are unfamiliar with your brand and position you as a trusted source of knowledge. We will create a select number of videos that will work for your brand:

  • Myth busters - debunking myths that people have towards a certain product.

  • DIY videos - tutorial videos to show people to construct, fashion or repair something.

  • Answer the public - the public is always searching for answers on google. Provide free value to them by answering their questions.

  • Before and After videos: Those videos that share the drastic changes from before and after will make viewers glued to their screens.

  • Customer Testimonials: This will build trust and goodwill with people who haven’t used your services. What better way to convince them than to get a review from your previous users.

Documentary (BONUS) $1000 VALUE!

We strive to foster meaningful connections with your customers, cultivating their loyalty and transforming them into repeat customers. By way of our “Documentary” videos we engage with your customers on a deeper level. Your forever customer is built by building a relationship, how does that happen? By building a connection with them that’s relatable. We will highlight:

  • Your historical ascent as business, from the beginning to where you stand now.

  • We will showcase your team an integral part of your operations.

  • We will display your level of craftmanship that distinguishes you, from the rest of competition.

  • We will put the spotlight on you and why you are the industry leader.

    In three months we will create that relationship with your customers.

The Results

“Through Videography we have the power to tell stories, that touch hearts and inspire minds.”

— James Cook